In The Name of Zion 7: The Highest Art of Warfare

9 months ago

This is part 7 of 9 of the series "In the Name of Zion."

The Highest Art of Warfare is to not fight at all -- it is the secrecy of what goes on behind all the scenes. It is making the opposition believe in the lies of the Jews.

Part 7 helps piece together of how the Jews are in charge of Russia and America and they really are on the same side but they have to play their game of lies to fool the people of the world.

While they have the people believing in fairy tales and lies, they secretly are gaining more and more power and control. They did this in a gradual way so it wouldn't be noticed by the masses.

They create Opposition within all countries -- if there is opposition within the regular, normies, then the ones who are orchestrating this symphony can work resistant free behind the scenes.

They control the masses in America by controlling Religion and Education and gradually introducing Porn as normal and popular.

When they have control of it all, they will bring in their "Messiah." I believe we are very close to the date they have planned.

Israel is America's ENEMY and they have done such a good job at aligning Evangelist Christians with Jews that the enemy has these fools believing they can be friends. NO, it is a trap. The trap of all traps.

Guess who is right in the middle? Your beloved, Donald Trump.

Right now, all the leaders of world's countries have been promised big roles after the official announcement of the One World Government.

In The Name of Zion 1: The Rothschild Declaration

In the Name of Zion 2: The Wrong Enemy

In the Name of Zion 3: The Six Million

In The Name of Zion 4: The Danger of Democracy

In The Name of Zion 5: The Way of Deception

In The Name of Zion 6: The War of Terror

In The Name of Zion 7: The Highest Art of Warfare

In The Name of Zion 8: The Great Replacement

In The Name of Zion 9: The Jew World Order

Original Video Source: InTheNameOfZion – JeffK --

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