In The Name of Zion 6: The War of Terror

1 year ago

This is part 6 of the 9 part series "In the Name of Zion."

The Atrocities of the American Government - all in the name of "Protecting America." Muammar Gaddafi was a decent man who called out Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld for them turning on their friend Sadaam Hussein and murdering him. Then he went against the cabal oil industry.

Next thing you know Obama is on TV saying that Muammar Gaddafi is a TYRANT, yet he provided his country with Free Education and was planning on sharing all the wealth to his people. I guess that is the definition of a tyrant to a true "tyrant." Muammar Gaddafi was murdered by the USA for being a CARING man to his people.

He was the ultimate example of what happens if you disagree with the NWO Mafia.

If you watch "Warcastles" you learn that America is the Military Arm of the Cabal. If only the masses knew this, would they still allow their children to enter the military? To fight wars that that secretely are planned to enable a New One World Order that will put the people in a Prison?

That's what is happening. They really don't care anymore about the numbers in the US military because they are planning on changing the military arm anyway.

People need to stop believing the lies of the media. Turn it off, the news is to control you by Fear. Once you are in fear they can provide you with their "SOLUTIONS."

The solutions solve their problems, NOT yours.

You can watch Warcastles here: ***War Castles – Military Insider – SERGEANT ROBERT LEROY HORTON – Huge Hidden Secret Revealed

In The Name of Zion 1: The Rothschild Declaration

In the Name of Zion 2: The Wrong Enemy

In the Name of Zion 3: The Six Million

In The Name of Zion 4: The Danger of Democracy

In The Name of Zion 5: The Way of Deception

In The Name of Zion 6: The War of Terror

In The Name of Zion 7: The Highest Art of Warfare

In The Name of Zion 8: The Great Replacement

In The Name of Zion 9: The Jew World Order

Original Video Source: InTheNameOfZion – JeffK -- /

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