"The Exile's Club" by Lord Dunsany

1 year ago

Eritivaria is a fictional place. Wasn't sure how to pronounce that first 'a' though, but since it's fictional it's not a big deal.

Indeed, most of the references appear to be fictional: Hatzgurh, Gilgianza. At least I can't find any real world references for them.

The yellow emperor having purple porcelain is a strange thing. Ming vases are notable for their blue, not purple (and is why most of the porcelain "china" you see also uses blue). As the Emperor's title suggests, yellow would be the imperial color in East Asia, not purple, so not sure why Dunsany went with purple here. It doesn't fit with the color of fine china or the imperial color of China. Hmmm... (Yes, I know purple is the royal color in western kingdoms, but so what?)

The picture used is of the banquet hall at Stirling Castle.

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13821/13821-h/13821-h.htm#exiles

I would suggest the final sentence there wasn't really necessary, and actually detracted from the conclusion. Ah well.

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