In the Name of Zion 2: The Wrong Enemy

1 year ago

Adolph Hitler was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938. Part 2 of the “In the Name of Zion” 9 part series covers one of the most hidden secrets in history – the truth about the what happened to the German people prior to WWII and after. Hitler was attempting to free himself from the Jewish bankers as they were conspiring to destroy him by funding Stalin and Lenin. The Jews were behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the prison camps of Russia (Russion Gulag) killing millions and millions and torturing the “intelligent” ones. I really can’t write a quality summary without taking risk of censorship. It goes over how the j –ew-s began to take over the world by murder.

In The Name of Zion 1: The Rothschild Declaration

In the Name of Zion 2: The Wrong Enemy

In the Name of Zion 3: The Six Million

In The Name of Zion 4: The Danger of Democracy

In The Name of Zion 5: The Way of Deception

In The Name of Zion 6: The War of Terror

In The Name of Zion 7: The Highest Art of Warfare

In The Name of Zion 8: The Great Replacement

In The Name of Zion 9: The Jew World Order

Original Video Source: InTheNameOfZion – JeffK --

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