12/26/2023 - Terrance Scroggins going into one of his fits of bipolar obsessed rage - After I park in one of our Guest Spots with the HOA - Talking to himself

9 months ago

This is a recent video of Terrance Scroggins slipping into one of his Bipolar Psychotic Fits of Rage while he follows me from place to place trying to COLLECT dirt on me and lock me away

He's been doing this for 26 years or so since I moved here. At the time of the 2017 arrests he was on the HOA board.

Meaning what? Meaning he has MOTIVE to steal a house and cars!

Terrance Scroggins is an ex Vietnam Vet who TRASH DIGS and sells cans for a living. And he see's a Jewish person from a rich family and he see's dollar signs.

But Terrance unfortunatly isn't working alone, he seems to be working with a mass GLOBAL conspiracy to try to make me look crazy that starts at a very young age with the "Kevin is Crazy Crew" so to speak.

These CRAZY labels just rotate from one anonymous person to the next for 46 years while they all mob me to death provoking me over and over to try to make me look crazy, then LIE saying your crazy.

Even at 16 years old DEATH THREATS from Jason Perelman, my brother. "Me and my friends are going to put you in a mental institution"

Scroggins on about maybe 40 videos just like this or yelling at me to try to get reactions who REFUSES to stop STALKING ME, and leave me alone with is mass groups, the Armenian Groups here, and the HOA. Which I believe is Armenian.

Have been hunting me for 26 or so years here. As I found out 22 years ago with mu Business Partner Mike Huntley's Death Threats. Originally Jason Perelman's friend.

"World of Paranoia", Dropping papers on my desk at Signet e Services, How to make people mentally ill and kill them in South Korea. "Have a good life know", "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "We are using the system against you" LAPD System. "You are too out of control for california" after paying off person after person to take me to strip clubs one in each state. And a lot of other things connecting to my own father paying these people off.

What does Terrance Scroggins, with the other HOA people have to GAIN by making me look crazy and try to lock me in Jail or Mental Facilities?

It's called MONEY! Who gets the House, Who gets the cars? Are they being PAID to STALK ME, and try to make me look crazy?

Terrance Scroggins talks as if we are FRIENDS, as if he knows ONE actual thing about me other the his OBSESSION and the dirt he tries to use against me.

He is also clearly a dangerous person as he states on the Court Stand that he's allowed to go after anyone he wants he thinks is crazy or anything else. Showing his is not a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN.

Once again, Scroggins who flat out told me I had better not leave me house, and told me I'm not allowed to take walks working with his Buddy, Lead Officer Charles Sean Dinse. Who has also indirectly threatened my life that I'm not allowed to leave my house.

This all starts with POLICE PROFILING and LABELING. It doesn't actually have anything to do with MENTAL ILLNESS other then MENTAL ILLNESS labels used as a WEAPON for those to get what they want.

Just like Adolf Hitler. "People are afraid of Kevin Perelman" yet there is nothing I have done.

And that is ENOUGH for LAPD to HUNT ME, with BILLIONS of Dollars.

I was born in Merced California on Castle Creek Airforce base. Terrance Scroggins appears to be a Schizofrenic. You do the math while watching him talk to himself here.

But he is getting more flustered the more places, I go, and the more SOCIAL EVENTS I am at. Working with Lead Officer Sean Dinse of Topanga Division to stalk and PROVOKE me for me trying to go live my life.

Charles Sean Dinse is heavily involved in his "How do we FORCE people into mental institutions" ILLEGAL campaign. To create a new world of PERFECTION.

However you might want to ask yourself. WHY does Charles Sean Dinse care if I buy a Corvette, date a girl with Tattoo's, even go to a strip club

SO MUCH, that he has altered his course of life, to SOLELY hunt me? on a 3rd arrest with these PSYCHOTIC STALKING SICKOS?

As he riles up the masses WORLDWIDE, DEFAMING my name to STRANGERS I have never met, before I meet them. So they can make their own judgements about who I am, as they POISEN THE WELL!

46 years of LAPD DEFAMATION to an entire planet they REFUSE to allow anything TRUTHFUL to light!

Continual PROVOKINGS to try to get REACTIONS to use against me DAILY!

This Person is EXTREMELY Dangerous! And has STOLEN over 26 years old my life with their STALKING, HATE, GROUPS and RESOURCES!

Also, every time I go down to report these mass coordinated STALKING groups to LAPD they have LARGER and LARGER Jew hate groups hunting me immediatly after with their MENTAL ILLNESS TACTICS instead of stopping this Conspiracy to commit Murder that they started in on me when I was a young child with Dr Ronald Barry Perelman and his JUDICIAL FRIENDS!


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