Limitations of Law Implemented by Bribery From Industries Monetary Elite

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Essentially, the ever old you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. I nmaryland there was a $2.28 million dollar conversion fee for medicinal facilities to "go recreational". If the company couldn't afford it, they lost everything they spent millions to set up. Like one of the only female owned cannabis businesses in Maryland, KANNAVIS, who went under and was purchased by none other than owner of Culta, Mackie Barch, a leader in industrial cannabis legislative bribery, aka LOBBYING. NOT ONLY LEGAL, BUT WEVE Shawn EVIDENCE OF Delegates accepting illegal money to change their opinions, for example on social equity points issued to these companies.
The state is paying back millions for those fees to the companies that paid them, meanwhile the first and only all black owned business, which is entrepreneurial as the equity in the industry is non existent, but if it were so present for entrepreneurs why are they the firat only black owned business seeking Fundraising funds? Was that conversion fee money not for those disproportionately effected persons?
We know how that was defined, as we see a majority of liscences in Baltimore county, city and neighboring PG county, over 65% of the 85 available in those 3 counties/ areas.
Not only this, they restricted the number of plants allowed to be grown from 16 which was reccomendation of legislators, to 6 then 4 for medicinal patients and 2 for anyone else. Why?
It ensures you'll need them eventually. I believe medicinal patients should be able to ensure harvest ability to not run out of medicine. It seems very one sided to allow industry to tell us what we can grow, when if we run out we have to buy from them. Let alone the fact they control the entire loose.concentrate market, ensuring no mom n pop will ever pull revenue close to these industry giants. All paid for by the owners of these companies.
Advoc8 always
Meduc8 Daily

Don't break the law while your breaking the law.

Help support those keeping reality of the cannabis world available to the people. People like myself, a self appointed 22 year veteran of the market and Cannaseur, communicate the realities of cannabis industry to those being blinded by legality of access.
For those of who've shrugged legality, we see the actuality of the process taking place. Decades of work stolen from many still behind bars. And the dissolution of POSESSION charges for prisoners is meaningless.
There is a scant few in prison for POSESSION, in most cases that would be violation of probation or parole, ergo not POSESSION. They've done nothing to release the hands that created many of the strains, or at least contributed to from the prisons while industry pulls millions from products they were afraid to touch months prior.

Help keep people like myself able to keep analyzing the market and having the time to address the issues which I do in my content and lives. Feel free to contribute, all content is free as I trust my followers the cannabis community wants to see what i want, an open market and we get there by making noise, and we do that by supporting one another.
All donations go right into the production either in product for review or in ancillaries to make the content better as I do all editing even my videos long form on a cell phone. I have to delete one app to use another, it isn't easy but well worth it imo.$bloodshotkoala

Don't break the law while your breaking the law

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