Richard Hirschman | White Fibrous Clots Found in at least 50% of Bodies

1 year ago

Richard Hirschman has been an embalmer since 2001 and has seen a lot since that time. When he started to notice the fibrous, (not bloodclots)in the people he was working on, he started to ask questions. He became famous when he appeared with Dr. Ruby and spoke out about these findings, after the vaccine mandates had really come into affect. He mentioned that 2021 was one of his busiest years and January 2021 was the biggest spike that he noticed.
The same thing was happening with other embalmers around the world when they started to compare notes on their findings.
Recently, Mr. Hirschman has sent off samples of these fibers to an independent lab in Europe somewhere for analysis. It is interesting to note that he is questioning whether they are forming antemortem or postmortem, but more analysis is needed to determine what is causing and then finding a solution for the billions of people that will be affected by this intentional bioweapon.
There are many well meaning doctors and nurses that have come up with protocols and potential remedies for the affects of this issue. At the time of this interview, nothing concrete is known for absolute healing from the negative affects that we are seeing in everything from 1 year olds to grandmothers and grandfathers. We know that some people see benefits from some of the protocols being offered, but it is a trial and error approach at this juncture. We all hope that we can find the cause and a solution could be close behind that eventual discovery.


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