Saugatuck Township receives assurance

1 year ago

The grant will focus on a 0.6-mile portion of the trail within Saugatuck Township, which compliments Saugatuck’s Trust Fund Award for an additional half mile. Together, the segments will contribute to 1.1 miles of new trail, forming a cohesive and continuous stretch of more than three miles.

Although the total mileage of the project sounds modest, challenges include topography, wetlands, historic sites and a narrow bridge over the Kalamazoo River.

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The grant will be combined with previously announced conditional approval of a $1.34 million MDOT grant, a $300,000 DNR grant for the city of Saugatuck, a $205,000 local match from the Friends of the Blue Star Trail, and local matches of $50,000 from the city of Saugatuck and $10,000 from Saugatuck Township

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