Jesus, Love is Stirring in the Hearts of all, John Smallman 12-22-2023

9 months ago

Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother

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#Lensko #Circles #nocopyrightsounds #copyrightfree
NCS: Music Without Limitations
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As many of you prepare to celebrate the two thousand and twenty third anniversary of my birth, I want to thank you all for the enormous amplification you are each adding to the Tsunami of Love that is flooding the Earth by daily resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily human lives. You have no idea of the power of your intentions as you so positively encourage the flood tide of Love to embrace all of humanity without any exceptions. Love is stirring in the hearts of all, even those who appear to be most deeply incapable of experiencing or expressing It. Truly, you are all, each and every one of you, abundant receptacles of Love which you keep on sharing and extending freely and continuously. You are bringing humanity’s collective awakening, humanity’s collective remembrance of its true nature to fruition. Without you it would not happen. But of course your heavenly Father knew that He could rely on you because you are such stalwart, loving, and dependable expressions of Himself, as you constantly intend to align your wills with His. Your success is therefore divinely assured.

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