SMP EP124: Steve Richmond - The Importance Of Elders

1 year ago

“Disciplines and commitments. Without those men are just wandering around aimlessly.”

“There seems to be a daily choice on which direction to go, as opposed to young men making a commitment to ‘this is what I’m going to do and this is how I’m going to get there’.”

Since the 1960’s, the world has experienced a dramatic change. It started mainly in the United States but has since spread throughout the world. It can be described in many ways but for the sake of this podcast, we’ll say it’s been a movement away from traditions and traditional culture. But our traditions weren’t simply human constructs for the sake of controlling people. They’re reflections of human nature and even nature itself, guided by true faith. As this movement away from traditions reaches the extreme and the many social issues we face prove more and more that we’re heading in the wrong direction, it gets easier to recognize the value and need for the wisdom of our traditions. One of the easiest ways we can carry our traditions forward is to connect with our elders.

Steve Richmond is an expert in men, masculinity and how to tap into their masculinity.
At 62, he found his purpose in coaching men and women to better their lives, relationships and experience greater business success and freedom. Today, Richmond advises the need for men, especially those under 50 to be humble and seek out mentors at least 20 years your senior to learn from their experiences.

The interview revolves around the relentless denigration of elder wisdom in modern society and the dangers posed by uninformed individuals, particularly young men, offering misguided advice. Richmond explains the invaluable life experience rooted in traditional culture and urges younger generations to be humble and engage in meaningful conversation with their elders. Extending to the impact of the feminazi movement, the role of fathers in homes, and the essential need for discipline, commitment, and purpose in a man's life.

For more information and updates, visit Steve Richmond's website at or

Check out the upcoming Couples Workshop in January called "The Turning Point" in 3 online sessions facilitated by Steve Richmond and Marie Tindall.

You’re invited to come to a Sovereign Circle meeting to experience it for yourself. To learn more, go to While you’re there, check out the Battle Ready program and check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

Also in this episode: Relationship coach, Suzanne Venker
Book: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture by Gabor Maté

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