S4E27 | Svali - Mind Control Programming by Design, Internal System Structures & Overcoming Emotions

1 year ago

Today I’m honored to have back on the show for the second time: Human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse and Jesuit mind control survivor and whistleblower, writer and author, educator, blogger, and one of my most requested podcast guests, Svali!

Some of you may know her from her blogs, ‘Svali Speaks’ and ‘Svali Speaks Again’, or maybe you’ve read the books she’s authored, “Breaking Free of Cult Programming” and “It's Not Impossible” - all of which have paved the foundations for what we know today about cults, trauma-based mind control, deprogramming, secret societies including the Jesuits, history of the Illuminati and so much more. Born and raised in a cult group and having experienced horrors beyond comprehension as you’ve seen through the guests on this podcast, Svali broke free of her cult group several years ago and has been on a quest to share the knowledge that she has learned from personal experience to help set others free. There is years of eye-opening information on her blogs, and her books give a very concise and blunt look at the underworld of mind control and the underlying mechanisms to which it is orchestrated and performed.

When I discovered Svali’s work at the beginning of my own awakening into the world of mind control and satanic ritual abuse, her publications and willingness to be forthcoming about what actually happens in these child abuse systems was instrumental as a podcast host and advocate in really understanding the things my guests would speak about on this podcast. It’s extremely hard to grasp the degrees and kinds of evil that exist in the world if you’ve never experienced it and Svali has helped break ground for those with eyes to see and ears to hear to begin to comprehend the incomprehensible. I’ve personally learned so much from Svali and am so honored to have her back on for another amazing discussion.

Last time Svali was on, we had a fantastic discussion on the history of mind control programming, secret societies, therapeutics and so much more. I’ll have that episode along with the links to her blog and books in the show notes and encourage you all to go check out that episode and support Svali’s work. This time, we are going to do a deeper dive into mind control programming, internal systems and deprogramming and hope you all have a pen and paper ready as we are going to learn a ton and hopefully going to get some of your questions answered!

Before I finish introducing today’s guest - I wanted to give a quick reminder that if you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or who wants to share any information privately with me, you can email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM! I’d also love your support on Substack where I’m taking up journaling as an outlet for me personally to reflect on the podcast, guests, and my advocacy work and you can Subscribe to me at www.emmakatherine.substack.com. All of my social media links are also in the shownotes and I want you all to know how eternally grateful I am for the love, empathy and compassion you show to each brave guest on this show.

"Finding Freedom" Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LNN5DTB?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_9ME4YZ9Z1KZXN4QNFJJG&peakEvent=5&dealEvent=1
'Prayer Warrior 1" Book: https://a.co/d/ie8YAsm
"Prayer Warrior 2" Book: https://a.co/d/iyeRMXm

"Breaking Free of Cult Programming" Book: https://a.co/d/3ELuR8a
"It's Not Impossible" Book: https://a.co/d/3rP7AKv
"Svali Speaks Again" Blog": https://svalispeaksagain.wordpress.com/blog/
"Svali Speaks" Blog: https://svalispeaks.wordpress.com/
Deprogram Wiki: https://deprogramwiki.com/tag/svali/

EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
My Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/
BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination
All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/

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