Dem Strategist…When It's A Race Between Democracy & Some Form Of Hitlerism…Biden Is The Clear Choice

1 year ago

Don Calloway: "As you approach October and the last 30 days, there becomes very clearly an alternative, which is continued democracy or continued something other than democracy, which the Republican Party represents. That is the choice of why No Labels were really not making impact. You remember, this is not a new phenomenon. When Jay Nixon, my former governor and a few other guys wanted to start this thing, it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. It’s ultimately just saying, 'We’re not excited about Biden.' Hey, none of us are excited about Joe Biden. But when you’re in a race between democracy and some form of anarchy, some form of Hitlerism, which Donald Trump has expressed that he wants his party back to, the choice is very clear. It’s Joe Biden. No Labels will not be a factor. Black people will continue our stalwart support of not only Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, but of upholding the fundamental tenants of American democracy, and you’ll see none of that until about 30 days when Democrat constituencies start being accurately polled."

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