race-card movement leveraging criminals

1 year ago

I get threats, restraint over social media exposure and hate for exposing race-card movement leveraging criminals. Well, as always, I am always right, as got and have a look on the statistics of Western top country's prison, it's more of this particular race-card that society try to act dangerous naïve to call them otherwise and pardoning them as they act and claim to be the innocent new-born-baby that propaganda today projects. This is what Blacklivesmatter leveraging race doing as calling them out would be marked as "racists" to today's society standard. So due to woke-culture they're now getting easy way out of what they all actually do as you can't question them due to their riot of race-card by the sellout Censored-society suppressing the truth that brainwashing modern generation with paradox feeding propaganda that they're so-called victim-race and never to caged and cinfrted again. Our ancestors knew the danger, they're not stupid. Otherwise you might as well free all the reptiles and tigers from the zoo as you did this race. #truthbetold #truthbomb #realworldevidence #truthoftheday #wakeupcall #truckdriver #crimeprevention #truth #raisingthestandard #truthmatters #womenandgirls #womensafety

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