The Ukranian SBU neutralized a criminal gang in Volyn that was "extorting" money

9 months ago

The SBU neutralized a criminal gang in Volyn that was "extorting" money from a wounded soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Security Service and the National Police neutralized an organized criminal group that was terrorizing and trying to keep residents of Volyn in fear.

Criminals created artificial conflict situations with local residents, and then demanded money from them for "peaceful resolution of disputed issues."

Employees of the SBU documented the fact of "writing off" a non-existent debt of more than 120,000 hryvnia equivalent from a wounded soldier-grenade thrower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who returned from the front line for treatment and rehabilitation.

Hearing the refusal to pay "tribute", the members of the gang attacked the Ukrainian soldier and inflicted physical injuries on him, as a result of which he received a craniocerebral injury and a contusion of the cervical spine.

In case of further resistance to the racketeers, they threatened the victim with physical violence.

The security service detained three members of a criminal group while they were receiving part of the money from a man.

According to the investigation, the organizer of the gang turned out to be a criminal who is serving a sentence in one of the colonies in Volyn for robbery.

He remotely involved three of his "at large" accomplices in illegal activities, who had previously served prison terms for robbery, theft and extortion.

Criminals used the money obtained by criminal means for their own needs, and also replenished the "thieves' cash register".

Currently, all four persons involved have been notified of suspicion under Part 4 of Art. 189 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (extortion committed by an organized group under martial law conditions, combined with infliction of grievous bodily harm).

The detainees are in custody. The investigation is ongoing. The perpetrators face up to 12 years in prison.

Complex measures to neutralize the criminal group were carried out by SBU employees in the Volyn region together with the National Police under the procedural guidance of the regional prosecutor's office.

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