Voodoo Secrets

9 months ago

A cult of magic spells, diabolical curses, satanic worship, human sacrifice, zombies, and dolls stuck with pins? Experts explain how, over the past few centuries, the ancient religion of Voodoo has been systematically maligned, persecuted, and nearly wiped out. To uncover the truth behind Voodoo, we travel to where it began at least 5,000 years ago on the central west coast of Africa. In the tiny nation of Benin, Voodoo is practiced today as it has been for thousands of years. Our cameras captured a rarely-seen event--an African Voodoo ceremony with animal sacrifice. We also investigate grisly events blamed on Voodoo, such as: the sinking of a ferry in Haiti that killed 200 people and was blamed on a Voodoo curse; death of Robert Tallant, author of the 1947 bestseller Voodoo in New Orleans; and how Marie Laveau, the "Queen of Voodoo" in New Orleans, saved two men from the gallows in 1850. Could these tales be true?

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