'Sanguine Vampiris disease', Hemophilia, Child abduction & sexual abuse, Population control, and the Round Table of Mordred

1 year ago

ALL VIDEOS ON SUBSTACK ALSO https://substack.com/@davidjonesrumble/posts "Sanguine Vampiris disease" ? Prince Charles has allegedly been instrumental into the spread of paedophilia and degeneracy across society and especially london changing its values since the 1960's Head of the WEF (world economic forum) and carbon credits scam, as well as lockdowns and v axx deaths and injuries not totaling 20 million deaths globally and 1.5 inured with experimental gene editing technology ('gene therapy') Sane ? or a 'sufferer' of the 'blue blood Royal disease'

"Queen Victoria's Hemophilia infected European Royals & The Occult Royal Bloodlines (The 'Blue Bloods')" https://rumble.com/v38x73k-how-queen-victorias-hemophilia-infected-the-european-royals.-the-blood-the-.html

Great Reset / WEF


Head of the UN (and connected commonwealth) migration unit also to traffick people from across the globe making vast fortunes from misery turning it into a virtue and a natural part of climate change




(links to jeffrey epstein trafficking) https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/money-and-power/a28339290/royal-family-prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein-relationship/#:~:text=In%20the%20announcement%20of%20the,commends%20the%20bravery%20of%20Ms.


city of london trafficking

Lawlessness.Police & rife pedophilia,trafficking & domestic violence.PC David Carrick Jail & 1000 Met officers suspended https://rumble.com/v3kj7qy-lawlessness.-police-pedophilia.html


and prince charles trafficking "King Charles III Linked to Deaths of Kamloops, British Columbia Residential School Children and William Arnold Combes, a Witness" https://rumble.com/v38wbmc--king-charles-iii-linked-to-deaths-of-kamloops.html

The Monster of Glamis https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-monster-of-glamis-92015626/

KINCORA guest house Northern Ireland

KINCORA & TRAFFICKED BOYS THE ANGLO - IRISH VICE RING PART 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMQzWVc3cy0

THE ANGLO - IRISH VICE RING THE STORY OF RICHARD KERR PART 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8McbxG5z-dk

Inquiry lacks the power to uncover the truth about Kincora, court told https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/inquiry-lacks-the-power-to-uncover-the-truth-about-kincora-court-told-31270675.htmlhttps://www.google.com/search?q=Part+2+_+Kincora+%26+Trafficked+Boys+The+Anglo+-+Irish+Vice+Ring&client=avast-a-1&hl=en-US&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6wYWGl4T1AhUSgFwKHZCTCJMQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1

Lady Spencer, The goddess Diana daughter of Jupiter, the huntress in the Moonlight

The dark ugly past of the Climate King. Sir Jimmy Savile star of children's entertainment and his Necrophilia & Child abuse https://rumble.com/v2lgcwc-the-dark-ugly-past-of-the-climate-king-and-wef-and-in-memory-of-princess-di.html

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