Apatros Review Ep-0044: Flight of Fury [2007]

1 year ago

AR-0044: In the midst of a whole bunch of el crappo DTV [direct-to-video] B-action schlockers he was making in the dregs of Eastern Europe, Steven Seagal made what can be fairly considered one of the most bizarre films in his catalogue of videostore atrocities - a post-millennial remake of the 1998 Michael Dudikoff DTV B-action flick "Black Thunder", almost right down to the words in the dialogue. Character names are almost identical & the basic premise has been updated from a terrorist operation in Libya to this one's terrorists in Afghanistan, because... well, a need to stay relevant at the very least.

This bad movie also had something that no other Seagal movie in the 2000s had - a very softcore lesbian makeout scene [although one of the actresses involved wasn't too keen on the idea, let me put it that way]. Between that & the crazy idea of Steven Seagal playing a fighter pilot when he would be better suited playing one of the bombs in the stealth fighter's payload compartment, this movie blows some serious bullhitsa, but it is pretty funny to watch if you're a Bad Movie Masochist like I am.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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