Dr Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide 30 Years ago

1 year ago

--Dr. Robert Willner, an American medical scientist noted for his role in AIDS research, once accused Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden, of genocide.

He laid the accusation during a televised press conference on the sidelines of an alternative medicine meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1994.

During the same conference, he shook the medical community when he jabbed his finger with blood he said was from an HIV-infected patient.

Willner, who championed the view that AIDS is not caused by HIV infection, condemned members of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for allegedly perpetrating the “most horrible scandal and scam” ever perpetrated in the name of science and in all history by claiming that it is.

“None of the proposed explanations, of which there are more than forty, as to the modus operandi of HIV, nor the virus-AIDS hypothesis itself, are based on scientifically acceptable evidence or proof. The available laboratory evidence speaks against the hypothesis. The remainder of the evidence is epidemiological, and even that, when scrutinized and truthfully presented without first being selectively screened, proves that HIV is innocent of any involvement in AIDS,” he wrote in a 1994 White Paper.

He said that the horror of the attack on Pearl Harbour during the Second World War in 1941 did not match the atrocities allegedly being perpetrated by Fauci and his colleagues at the institute, whom he described as “scoundrels of the worst order, criminals guilty of genocide”.

Willner claimed that Adolf Hitler would “envy the job being done by members of the National Institute of Health and even the media, especially in this country”.

He dared Fauci, who became Director of NIAID in 1984, and his colleagues to sue him if they thought he was defaming them.

“I wish they would take me to court because they have been putting out a killer drug knowingly.

“Because in a court of law, I would have the opportunity to provide the absolute proof and evidence as I have in my book: Deadly Deception.”

He said he enjoyed support from a wide range of physicians and scientists in his assertion.

Willner’s Florida medical license was suspended in 1990 following a Florida Board of Medicine ruling that he had made inappropriate medical claims for food products.

He died on April 15, 1995, of a heart attack. His speech in the video took place just four months earlier.

Dr. Willner's book, Deadly Deception, proves that HIV does NOT cause AIDS. And AZT, Fauci's miracle cure, is a killer. Download the pdf here as it is no longer in print.
He was ahead of his time with diet and supplements, too!
It's all in his book:

NIH MAY SEEK TO VOID FIRM'S PATENT ON AZT https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1991/05/29/nih-may-seek-to-void-firms-patent-on-azt/3270d0fa-55d7-4995-af2b-293db96a4fff/
"With the statement the NIH joins a growing chorus of consumer advocates, pharmaceutical companies and AIDS researchers who have argued that Burroughs Wellcome does not deserve the patent it won for the drug in 1988. Because much of the critical work in developing the treatment was done by scientists at the National Cancer Institute, they say, patent rights should be shared by the NIH and Burroughs Wellcome."

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