Clif High Interview with Jeff Rense - ehyeshua - 24-Jan-2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 25, 2013

"Recording Date: 24-Jan-2013, 8:00 to 9:00 PM Pacific Time
The commercials and musical interludes have been removed reducing talk time to 37m 50s.

In this interview Clif High talks with Jeff Rense on the Jeff Rense Radio Show about a number of topics including:

Rocket Mass Heaters
Obama's Gun Grab Backfires
Sandy Hook Conspiracies
Project BlueBeam is a Psyop!
Alien Invasion is Real!
SpaceGoatFarts Entity
Czech Invents Death Ray
Robert Pavlita Scrubbing

Please give this video a thumbs-up, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and visit Clif's website at halfpasthuman(dot)com

Value Received for Services Rendered: Clif High depends upon the donations and generosity of his listeners for his physical wherewithal and financial support. Should you derive benefit from Clif's work and research please consider visiting his website at halfpasthuman(dot)com and making a modest or robust donation if you feel so inclined. An absolutely fantastic way to help support Clif and give yourself an entertaining and edificationally fulfilling experience would be for you to subscribe to Clif High's Immediacy Data Intelligence Report (IDIR). Clif makes his weekly IDIRs available Thursday mornings usually before 9:00 AM Pacific Time. If you are a Clif High and WebBot junkie like me or should you be curious and willing to take a head first plunge deep into the asymmetric linguistic future you will definitely not be disappointed you ponied up the $30 per month fiat debt FR notes. After all, come the Global Coastal Event (GCE) in late May, 2013, The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAKI) will render these debt instruments nothing more than worthless paper. From these IDIRs I have personally experienced the excitement of observing dozens of Clif's immediacy data predictions come true, many in bizarre and mind-blowing ways. After you have given Clif your good wishes and financial support please give this video a thumbs-up, leave your comments and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Thank you!


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