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OUT-GROWING THE ELOHIM: the power in your voice
9.03 “A race of angels known to man- as those who cultivated man genetically according to Radu Cinamar ( see his books- particularly ‘Forgotten Genesis’). Orchestration, given some kind of divine allowance to do this kind of work: many models, many messes. many fights, many misunderstandings. Angelic systems – they were the earliest space aliens., You see them depicted in many many hieroglyphs with the space helmets on to begin with. They were not sure about our atmosphere. they came very carefully, gingerly from their trips from their ship. and you can see this documented in the stone and painting cavings of many ancient civilisations the aboriginals. and you can also read about this in those books of Radu Cinemar because they are fairly accurate in the information.
The Elohim– generally a neutral type of a character, they didn’t really think that much of us because they were orchestrators of a creation,, an adaptation from the original human wild man that was here, adding some genetic splicing to create a different kind of human. Now, let us look into the interference levels. and let us look into the appropriation by prime creator of how much love and spirit/soul was put into this creation of humanity according to the El.
10.32 I come on my spirit to put the feeling that I experienced into words: “El, Elven, Elves- most of the people in this realm, this planetary realm- they live on the inside of their planet. So the El, live on the inside of our planet. The El-ves. so the elves that the Tolkein myths were about are these elves. And just like the Tolkein: the hobbits are small, and the elves are tall. The tool elves live in the centre of the Earth – you can see the many stories., The Jensen story when he went in with his son ( the Danish fisherman)- into the inner earth, and at these very tall beings.
So the EL were according to Radu cinemar, those who went into the Earth, as there was a separation of resonance from humans, and they became invisible to the humans. They then lived in side and the humans lived on the outside. This is this division: the Enki, the Enlil. – These are these genetic definition varieties.
Let us look at what is currently ( defined by)examined by ‘The Elohim’. So this Elohim is very much associated with the moon and the moon bases. And various interferences with humans. Whether or not this is true, this is tricky.
Let us look at all the Elohim divided among themselves, how active are they in the realm of humans? Is there any reptilian entity involved in this? What is the nature of these beings? Is there Nephilim orientation of these as well?
We have so many different types of beings that we are trying to understand: Elohim, traditionally known as the angelic realm, but that is because they were, ‘other’. If you see another being who is much taller than you, and seems to be over much higher vibrational frequency, you will call it something with Grace. So these elves living on the inner surface of the Earth. Attended to be given the name of Angel. However, the Angel that lives in this world now. Are many of the inner of people, many of these people from long ago. Come back now to be what you were calling star seeds, all the light workers. This changeover from the inner Earth tall beings into the small humans as a way to integrate, infiltrate and adapt what is happening just by their frequency presence.
Many of us are involved in this process of alerting, awakening, bringing to peoples attention And focus, information which is long been held in Secret. – Whether it is to do with what is out there? What is in, within us?
We are embarking upon more journeys, uncovering secrets , understanding how people are manipulated. The levels of manipulation are mostly to do with occupation by entities– non-human, into human minds, easily one by this idea of scarcity if you think you have not enough, you earn you want, you create a Vortex to invite something in. If the ‘yearn’ is strong enough, there’s something can come truly in. If you are aligned. Spirit, you yearn not. you are filled with knowing, you are a portal to infinite intelligence, energy and resource. Therefore, nothing other than goodness. can enter, because you’re knowing this holds that anchor.– Straight, clear and true. So those are feeling severely lacking, bringing other entities and involvement. and then they are used: left and right swiping across-the-board., Moving things, making things, determining things, so it seems. And you are moving through. A world where people are smashing their ideas, across-the-board, just wanting to exist. Finding a freedom. How do you find a freedom in the world where there are endless laws and rules made by others for your benefit?
You can, to an extent, just hold the pool of light of your frequency , and even though you may be breaking 2000 laws when no one will find you. for your frequency, holds them at a distance, like. That is a possibility. and if you can hold it for long enough, many of those rules will dissolve in meaning, and they become extinct. This is one way to do it, to hold your integrity or pool of spirits, strong, strong, strong and emanating out and dissolving those overlays. You may call them the structure overlays of the matrix these laws and rules, which have no true meaning to the human– created to manage a society in a controlled manner but of course, your so-called religious experts, and your politics your laws. All of those beings and bodies, created that to hold and control you.
16.59. Let us look at the manner of this originating control system what truly happens here? You are told. they established themselves in order to extract a certain energy the human: the soul energy. do the Elohim have their souls? are they the ones extracting soul energy? what is it – we are told it is the Archontic level – the Reptilians representing this– all beings who are full far away from spiritual connection, extract and pull from others.
17.40 Let us look at this – pull back out. turn the page in the book to see something – put your hands on each page see, on the left side is a list of energies which can come into the human being, on the right side is a list of the ways it can be pulled out let us look at who does this and why.
We are told the story that the Reptilians Living on our planet, believe this was their place to start with. They, perhaps got to a place of intelligence.(as they called it anyway.) faster than the natural humans this Eden. Maybe they went to intelligence that warmth of heart soul, so they felt they were better more entitled to the place. and were on edge with this other breed of furry humans living here, apparently with some showering divinity around them, some warmth – these people had happiness and jocularity. they, enjoyed themselves.
They were not the cold ones – such as the reptilian But the Reptilians were, they believed, earlier evolved so there is a battle there. They were not as fast. Readers, because they controlled each other, which such ferocity. So they kept their little nests. Whereas the human spread and spread. And then a long came the Enki, and Enlil – those commanders that we called the Elohim, who seeded different genetic traits into those humans. And the humans then spread, and civilisations were introduced. The Tuscans, they are part of that Elohim concept– construct. The civilisation spread. and the Reptilians decided that they wish to go underground and work in a different level. As their understanding of a lack of spirit was upon them deeply, and they realise that they had to pull the strings another way. So they began to be manipulators.
20. 13. Who else do we have as the manipulators? It does look further, further, further, further.
There were friends of these Reptilians – the Orion wars between the Pleaidian Lyrans and the reptilian in the Orion wars– where that planet was exploded. Some people call it planet X other people call it Marduk– the one that became the remnants of the asteroid belt. And then they brought the moon in here to settle a relationship of the Earth to the Sun, – that its orbit would be regulated, all of these huge changes, fighting between different groups as they try to work out what belongs to them, and what not.– Very aggressive beings, influencing some of this native reptilian stock.– Showing how the astral level could be used as a place to pull the strings the humans, and at this point, that agreement of X number of humans to be eaten made.
No one knew about it, but the authorities are the humans and the Elohim.
( the information is reluctant to turn into words- forming instead as blocks of energy within me…)
21.32 I come on my spirit to give me the freedom to speak about this and I keep getting my mouth shut. I command prime, creator, I command prime creation – enable me to speak freely on this subject, to access the information which exists:
They do see themselves as parents of humans, and like all parents, they are good ones and they’re bad ones: jealous, ones, loving ones.
– Believing that they own us. It is hard when you have curated and created. And then they become autonomous themselves. Then you wish to corral them and tell them what to do still.
The Reptilians were afraid of the Elohim that is why they went underground, that is also why they aligned with the Orion Reptilians, and later with the Grays – this strange (sigh, ) synthetic race made through the reptilians…….(the audio is messed with at this point, I pick it up with) – strange, distorted pieces into those minds. Put into the artificial bodies built for them.
23.03, but we have the shining sense of the Elohim we were taught always And the angelic shining ones. Is there any true goodness in them?
There are some parents who are good. You are gaining detachment from them,
And they know the time is near that you are leaving their control, as so many of you have left that nest and come into human bodies– left that nest of the Elohim coming into human bodies out of compassion for the humans – working on their side, to enable them to be free from these landlords you have been subjected to.
23.47 what is it now the purpose of us humans who are striving to Experience more free society? Can we be doing now in this strange model of powerplay?
No, you’re worth and your strength. Know that everything you feel is valid, and can be allowed through you.. Many of you have the skills now, to take in, to experience, and to release.
On the three processes of emotion, moving through. Energy in motion.. And as you experience, the emotion, it moves through you and you release. This is the alkalisation of spirit. It means you are allowed to witness what is happening around you.
You are the centre of the storm open the calm place
And you can tell others how to do this: taking the feeling, acknowledge it Feel it. Your heart is the symbol of that which processes it you know that you use sound ( ooooooooh)- different over toned sound, it is moving air through your body
It is moving vibration through your body
The impulse, for what sound you make comes from what you are holding within you.
Just like you’re out, breath, shape and force and length Comes from what you are holding in your lungs: a deep breath in calls for a deep breath out
The sound you make – Trust the sound that you start to make, it is The expression vehicle to release the emotion, you hold.
And you do this, through speaking and words, through singing, or overtone sounds, or very clear, breathing, and you become “ the processor”, moving literally through the place the space and time: taking in and breathing out,
Each time you take in and breathe, or sing, or say you shift
So, every choice– if you make it in connection with spirit, you are the transformers of all around you
And if you wish to be great of transformers, you increase your power of your voice– your presence in your voice, whether it is spoken or son, you begin to know and understand the power Within this faculty of transformation.
You can hear the words I’m speaking now, they are coming, resident from my Solar plexus, as well as from my face and head. As my spirit and bodies, the cells of my physical body. Translating it into sound as I speak
This is how we bring in higher frequency Into the world. And specific subjects , you create an entanglement with the subject as you speak about it.
– So that the energy, the new transformed high frequency, moves into that thought form version of that subject, and tweaks it and shift it, and settles upon it. So that others picking up on that thought form for the first time will pick it up differently from those who held it before.
( massive interference, here) I was referring to “ and in the beginning, there was the word, and the word was God”
But all the other really important new information completely lost and scrambled. Sorry folks I should’ve also recorded it on my local phone. Someone didn’t want you to hear that I was deeply moved by that and I can’t completely remember consciously but hopefully it will come back!
essentially, what this was about, was directing, spiritual energy through us, consciously through our voice the more we do it, knowing our voice is a tool of spiritual energy, literally transforming through our bodies, and the more we connect to spirit. The more power we have in the words, we speak, share and utter.
And those who speak aloud, and dare to speak the truth, must take great care, that what they say, is in the highest alignment with God source -the highest that they can adjust to, so that their powerful influence in the world is great
And you will become the equal members of this family of beings, all making the human experience Very mixed experience here.
29.38 This pattern of voice and energy is important Then see if you can share this in a way that is understandable stop
Your book idea “ your voice heals “ is important– you will write it in the next weeks. A small book. A very powerful one, explaining the frequency changing. through being a human, delivering information. The choice of frequency you make. mat. there are people who understand this and use. it – think of Mr Trump. he knows what he does with his voice. it is not just singers who are masters of. Voice. Those with large audiences, understand on intrinsic levels, the impact to the frequency embedded within their voice. And this astonishes, those who we would call the Elohim..
– As the marriage of the human to these other entities has born fruits that they had no idea possible. And you humans have access to wide, ranging, subtle tools. And these beings, they look upon you. and they do not understand how you are creating from within.– undermining those structures they have folded upon you, believing them to everlasting and holding. And they are discovering. you are working your way over and through them, and overthrowing them at every corner. Ha! It is a marvellous testament to the j creativity and the joy and the fun of spirit in action.
Keep going with this persevering of investing New skill, innovation – it is the delight Universe to see this Panoply of characteristics at work and you’re crazy, chaotic realm. And as fast as new ideas, pop up, the men in black come along and smother them, but they will not be allowed to smother for very much longer, because the innovation pops at an alarming rate for them. There is too much for them to stop
And they become weakened, and they will dissolve like just. And these four days of investigation we made: feel how your voice becomes different as you allow more of your spirit into your speaking voice. Feel how those tears behind your eyes indicate this
There is true power in the lining yourself with this your spirit– which is your God nerve ending, your direct line to prime creator. Your receiving station of new information!
And that is good for now”
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