Facing the Beast that's Destroying America

9 months ago

This is a golden December, 2023 interview with Author Naomi Wolfe about her new book "Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age." As a former well-to-do [Classical] Liberal, she has rubbed elbows with evrybody who is anybody in the Democrat Party. For decades she truly believed that her fellow Democrats were the true champions of liberty in America. In fact, during the GW Bush years, she made a great documentary called "The End of America" in which she postulated that the growing threat of tyranny in America was [largely] the work of the Neo-cons (Leftist, big government RINOS) within the Republican party, because it was mostly they who ushered in the tyrannical post 9/11 police state apparatus that's still very much in place today.
However, now that she has lived through the giant, worldwide PSYOP and political-economic takeover that was the COVID Plandemic, she has taken the red pill of Populism. She recognizes the fact that it was traitors within both parties who collaborated with other Leftists on a worldwide scale in order to destroy the last vestiges of freedom and Democracy, and quickly herd humanity into the Technocratic feedlot that is the New World Order--the new "order" these inbred banking families have been building for humanity to live in for more than 100 years now.
This diabolical global plan, which was spearheaded by the World Economic Forum, the CIA, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, the U.S. National Security Council, the U.S. DoD, the Chinese Communist Party, and many other players was openly called the "Great Reset."
Welcome to the "real world," Naomi. It's good to have you on our side now.
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