Should We Segregate Men & Women? - MGTOW

9 months ago

Red Pill Mentor Tokyo
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Zach and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Here's an idea. Recycle your old content while focusing mostly on new content. Take old videos and change just enough to repost them with a new title and pic etc. That way new people will still get it but it requires very little of your time. As for my topic it's regarding over exposure with men & women used to spend much less time together. We each had a bit of mystery to our sex in the past. Now between work, on-line, etc there is pretty much no mystery anymore. I've even known a few women in leadership positions who by the time work is done they say they are just "tired of men." Well Zach thanks for the donation and topic. I agree with you that separating the sexes does create a more stable soyciety because it's like that cheesy line says absence makes the heart grow fonder. It wasn't until women entered the workforce in the 70s and 80s did we see the massive breakdown we now have between the sexes. The only reason the sexes aren't segregated right now is because it offers women short term advantages to work with men and communicate with us on their phones and other electronic devices. Women need men to use us as emotional tampons. Part of the control mechanism that men have used on women during the so called patriarchy is that all men were closed off emotionally, silent and stoic. That meant that they couldn't be easily used as emotional wetnaps. There also wasn't a steady stream of simps there for attention on a phone. Women were left in the suburbs in man deserts. The only male interaction they got for the most part was with their husbands. Or possibly the mail man if she was lucky he might be delivering more than just letters if you know what I mean? For most of history there were checks and balances to prevent women dumping negative energy onto you the man. When we were living in a small towns or villages everyone knows everyone else so if you're a woman and you use men as emotional tampons people will eventually stop talking to you. The men as well as the women that are married to said men. There would be consequences. But today with marriage rates at 50% and a seemingly endless supply of simps to use for attention at work and on the phone why would women willingly give that up? They wouldn't. I know you mean well but it's not going to happen because it's advantageous for women in the short term to have access to as many men as possible all of the time. Women never go backwards when it comes to their rights. Only forward. There are groups like the Orthodox Jews and Amish people that maintain the mystery of the sexes and that's probably one of the reasons they have above replacement fertility rates. But segregation hasn't helped many middle eastern countries though which are now slipping below replacement. Men would go to work in the the 1950s, 60s, 70s and before with other men and come home to women. Women would rely on the social interaction of their husband for their sanity. And the man would rely on his wife for his sexual sanity. It was a co-dependent relationship. They would only reasonably see each other for an hour or two a night when the kids were asleep and they would marry in their late teens and early twenties and raise a family. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Mentor:

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