Bodhisattva On Rumble - Golden Embryo For A Golden Age. Earth Changing Sun Growing Conscious Awaken!

1 year ago

A new beginning is here. It is time for great change among us. The solar system we reside upon earth within is changing nearing the centre of the Milky Way’s Galaxy, Our suns age is changing and expanding and Mother Earth is shifting in this regard, plus the nature of our unnatural behaviour out of alignment with wellbeing being at the forefront for all our relationships excludes every living thing right down to single cell organisms and the building blocks of all life. We must respect our atmosphere, our Oceans and fresh water lakes and rivers, the need for natural fires and respecting our Mother Earth as is. The way the Cosmos has formed this beautiful unique Blue Planet of astonishing life force.
A new culture in this alignment will rise as one people with a cosmic will power and great reverence for our unique home and great mother will rise again in unity and peace of harmony once again discovering holistic technologies far advanced from today’s impotent industrial world of certain failings do to inappropriate destruction!

Guru Gian Meteorite Orca Chief in the high alpine of the misty mountains upon Turtle Island is listening to the universe and this magical blue planet listening for their voices and guidance to speak to all the world of a sensible direction connection and unity in alignment with creation true love and purpose for all life to exist in harmony developing true understanding of eternal life. Live well and be brave 🙏
Planetary Yoga

Gyan - Wisdom For Our Coming Together!
All Our Relations 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥 Is one Spirit, One Soul, One Fire! One flame…
This is a time for great change, illuminating love, plus expansion and growth of consciousness as we return to the unity as one loving compassionate people sharing gracefully this Blue Planet in true understanding. Harmony Harmonics, Sound, Vibration, Magnetism, Energy will Efficiency support us in all our needs and will begin to increase the electromagnetic field of great Mother Earth’s once again…
Seeking our fullest potential - Planetary Yoga

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