Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion Dollars into a Program to Depopulate the US

8 months ago

It’s not going to make ONE bit of difference who is president in 2025, NONE! It is not the president who is running our country and for those sleepy heads who believe that need to wake up.

Trump is not the head of this massive military operation. If you have done your DD, it is the freaking Military that is responsible for this Depopulation Plan, just check out their Deagle predictions and yes, Deagel is part of Military Intelligence.

Who was responsible for Operation Warspead? The military.

Who was and many say still is Commander in Chief? Trump

If Trump is still commander and Chief, he sure the hell isn’t doing anything to fight the evil Cabal trying to kill us all.

Who supports the Cabal? The Rothschild’s.

Who bailed Trump out of massive debts? The Rothschild’s.

Who put Trump in office? The Rothschild’s.

Does Trump really want to destroy the New World Order? Hhahaha, Come on.

Greg, from USA Watchdog is just oblivious to the facts – I hope he is anyway, or else he is playing a role in the operation.

For those who say: “Trump didn’t know about the mRNA vaccines and how they harm people.” 100% Wrong, 100% Bullshit. Guaranteed!

You can’t act like Trump is against the Cabal and say “well, he didn’t that these mRNA vaccines were bad.” OMG.
Oh, YES he did!

Trump was on record in the 1980’s saying the Vaccines are harmful.

For the complete idiots who believe that Trump was talking about Ivermectin or Hydroxychloride when he was referring to vaccines are really buying into the CIA narratives. That is so freaking far from the truth and it’s completely ridiculous.

If people believe that Trump really took the vaccine – there is NO way he did. No way.

Trump is the damn snake in his little snake poem. Trump’s daughter married a guy who HATES Jesus.

I am saying this because I see so many still under his spell. I admit, I sure was, nothing to be ashamed of. These guys use Charismatic Spells on the masses, but the vibration of this planet is changing and more light is uncovering the darkness of their spells. Soon, they will be useless and they know this as they used Operation Warpspeed to get those “healthy jabs” in as many as possible.

Trump bragged to Candace Owens that the vaccines were developed in 9 months and he bragged about how he purchased them BEFORE they were proven to be safe and effective. And people believe this guy is on their side? Really??
Wake up. Slap yourself out of this trance. Trump doesn’t give a rats ass about you, your family or any of your friends, period, end of story. The guy couldn’t relate if he tried with a middle income wage earner. He is PLAYING a role, just as Obama did. They don’t work for the people, they work for the Cabal.

Trump put Moncef Slaoui in charge of Operation Warp Speed, fomer head of GSK Vaccines and his expertise is on Brain Machine Interface.

As Catherine Austin Fitts says: “you can say that Trump was on board with Depopulation or he got rolled, either one is not very good case to be made that he ought to be president.”

For those that say “I just can’t believe that the knew of this.” You know what? If that is true, then Trump was at the very least Incompetent.

Catherine Austin Fitts: “You have to tell the truth and you have to hold people accountable., that’s the only way out of this.”

Presidents are not in charge.

November of 1963 – the US Military and the CIA killed the president. It was at this time, the Deep State took over and the Presidents from here on had very, very little power.

It was President Trump who rolled out the vaccines that are still killing people. Either he is incompetent, or he is a murdering felon. Take your pick. I know which one is correct. Trump knows he is protected. Once again, the guy doesn’t give a damn. He is a MASTER deception artist. That’s why he was chosen.

He is responsible and must be held accountable.

We shouldn’t even be talking about Presidents because they are CONTROLLED and bad, both of them, all of them are. They are the Cabal Machine in control of this country and the presidents have little power.

Changing Presidents will NOT matter at ALL!

SOURCE: PureBloodFreeMan --

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