The Grinch Who stole Xmas: Romana Didulo

1 year ago

This grifter has followers who don’t pay their mortgages, bills, utilities and they send her money so she can live in her follower paid RV, pay vehicle insurance, cel phone bills etc and still technically be homeless with a bunch of fools in their RVs, ‘eat well’ she says, squat in a school while letting their host pump out his hatred against his community of Richmound, Saskatchewan…all while emitting threats of execution, spreading lies and hatred and pulling the vulnerable people’s lives apart, separating children from parents, inheritances and while declaring declaring homelessness illegal, ‘helping the seniors, PWD and on social assistance’ get on Romana Didulo’s ‘timeline’… actually FRAUDLINE…she’s helping them lose everything including their homes. Such a decadent evil malignant narcissist, liar, grifter and NOT a QUEEN, NOR PRESIDENT NOR NATIONAL INDIGENOUS CHEIF or leader of The fictional Kingdom of Canada. This Filipino immigrant is a disgrace to her country of origin, her scam is a disgrace to target the poverty level and creat more poverty and tap into RCMP, Police, CSIS, private businesses and other resources such as the Village of Richmound! My wish for the New Yr is that she finally sizzles out and no emergency shelter or Social assistance office lets her in the doors but only send her off on a court order to be locked in a mental institution indefinitely.

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