MR. NON-PC -Be In The World...But Not Of The World

1 year ago

I usually say this in many of my videos "we can be in the world...but not of the world" and with how our entire society is right now, this giant dumpster fire we called life and "the world" is not something you should want to be a part of.

You shouldn't want to fall in love with the "pleasures" on earth and think that this is all that life is about.

Look at what the Helter-Skelter/Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media, The Satanic U.S Government, "big tech", all the satanic U.S Government funded crap scientists pushing all their Malthusian B.S while they have double standards for everything!!

They just want to keep us all in a fallen state and make you think that this life is all that there is. And once they have you in the fallen state, then you're done! They want weak and malleable little people that they can control!!

They want you to be IN THE WORLD and OF THE WORLD!

But what we have to do is separate ourselves from the evil people and not be seduced by their lies, empty promises and double standards.

Time to break from the Uniparty, Athiesm and being part of the group....time to return to GOD!

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