Who is Amon ra?

9 months ago

Donald Marshall: "There's bird lizard aliens called annunaki/kemet..."

"They're called the Annunaki and some other names. I don't know if they're from another planet or internal Earth...They say other planet."

"supposedly not terrestrial, and Earths gravity is harder on them, more heavy...

"There are variations. They are bird lizard. Some more bird. Some more lizard."

"they have longer lifespans than humans, unknown how long."

"................There are more than 1... It's a race supposedly called the Kemet..."

"Giant reptilian birds?"

"Yes it is very unsettling, disturbing."

"The things are very real, let me assure you."

"They'll play like they're nice and good But they are evil. Malevolent"

"And they are in THIS dimension... Real time... Don't be fooled by David Icke.

"Icke does and says what he is told to.What he's allowed to."

"I'll say all I know."

"Sumerian Gods, Amon Ra, Horus, Osiris. Draconians... same thing."

"Looks just like this too... 8-9 feet tall, black. Bald with black wig... Entire eye red. Skin and skin wrinkled up around the eye is dark blue black pure. Very strong. Smells like used cat litter and gives off dust when it moves. Feather dander. Fine dust."

"It is more black vulture than eagle or any other bird..."

"Not like a black crow though. More vulture. It even says so itself..."

"It likes to say its like an eagle or falcon but nope. Black vulture."

"Skin black with purple blue sheen to it and Wrinkly around the eye..."

"I examined it close it allowed me to. At first glance you think bird but noooooo"

"The bird it resembles has huge eyes. A falcon. Amon Ra has small all red eyes no pupil and it looks to me like evil alien bird more than any bird I have ever seen"

"Amon Ra wears a black wig, like the judges white wig but black... Smaller curl rows."

"Other ones put feathers in it like a Mohawk. They go bald when old."

"they lose feathers faster and cant fly, also the extra weight on their bird brains over time makes them a little more crazy than normal."

"It's feathers are black. It's exposed skin is blue-purple-black... Eyes blood red, no pupil. Just blood red. Is bald. Wears a black wig. Like a judges curly wig... Smells like kitty litter. Is an undead alien kept alive via consciousness chip."

"They use consciousness chips. Had them a long time. It's what the thing is he's holding up in this next pic."

"It's an enlarged representation of the Appleseed shaped consciousness chip that they put in people's heads."

"It dies... But will just go to next body. It doubled its consciousness up ans is a buncha humans bodysnatchers by microchip in the head With the dumb birds consciousness on it"

"It can occupy male or female bodies."

"And body snatch humans. Take resources and have humans invent new technology for them because they are dumb."

"theres a buncha pictoral references to em but I don't like looking at them."

"....... That dirty bird has a clawed hand in everything"

Research Donald Marshall: bio.link/donaldmarshall

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