In Loving Memory of G.A. Senator Nancy Schaefer (r.i.p.)-Thank you for your bravery

9 months ago

I'd like to say Nancy will live on and her words will echo in the hearts of those affected by $tatanist$/sorceror$/Judge$, for years to come.
Nancy and her husband were happily married for 35 years had children and grandchildren, and both of whom were suicided, for championing abolishing CP$ all the way to effect Legislation that would prevent these corrupt corporation$ masquerading as Our original states, to continue to unconstitutionally kidnap Our children; which goes against Our Nation's core beliefs and values, to protect Our life, freedoms, & happiness, all without Due Process of law=
(trial by jury of Our Peers)
Every ruling, order, ex pate or otherwise - to conceal, kidnap, man-steal, imprison
are all void
as they are repugnant to Our Constitution.
There are no Judicial Courts in America and hasn't been since 1789.
I urge everyone to take a good look at the paper in the beginning of this vide, it is the actual copy of the letter that got Nancy & her husband suicided.
This is actual evidence of Treason at it clearly shows the Georgia Seal of the American People 1776
yet the document itself claims to be a committee of the JUDICIARY
which is Cleary
"False Advertising" and goes against the Truth in Lending Act as false advertisement as Georgia state ratified in 1776
is not
THE STATE OF GEORGIA having Dunn & Bradstreet Number:
acting in a corporate capacity
and as Hale v. Hinkle so clearly stated that when the State or the County attempts to act in a corporate capacity, lack any immunity, whatsoever.
You Americans need to wake the fuck up!
Or you will continue to be hoodwinked!
These criminal cartel that created these incorporatized States are all acting in fraud, & if there is one thing that I hope y'all learned from me by now,
Fraud vitiates all=meaning makes it all VOID ab initio nunc. pro tunc
void from the beginning!
Do not let these corporate criminals get away with acting under color of law and destroying your family
shoot first ask questions later
We have the Right to not only defend Our homes from unreasonable searches and seizures but to protect Our lives and Our families lives! fuck what ya heard,
& to Our Republic for which We stand!
Article 1 section 8 clause 17: not exceeding ten miles square!
Time to build a wall around D.C.= District of Criminal$ to keep the piggies in thier penn!
That's a fact Jack!
These Goddamned demons could never get away with this if We had Our gold and silver in place as Our law states
As there would be no incentive to steal Our flesh and blood for Bond$, and this fucking Ponzi scheme that the United States Treasury (in name only) is profiting from Our life, Our happiness, and Our gifts from most high Creator!
In my humble opinion:
"A Nation that does not protect its children does not deserve to stand as a Nation, at all!"

M.T. 12/24/2023

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