Haram of Convenience: Camping Special B-Side "Breaking Couches & Beds With Neighbors" (Camping pt.2)

1 year ago

This is part 2 of the camping trip focusing on the aftermath of the camping!
This vid goes over the now deleted vids of...
Alaas's driving vid, Foodie's rage out and Alaa's tell all.

I went less with the riffing but still kept it scathing to go after the set up to focus on Alaa being set up as a plant in Gorl World. Everything expressed by Foodie would be a lure to anyone who is anti Foodie. Anything said by Alaa was in the shadow of everything Gorll World was saying or questioning between reactor and chat chatter.
That would have given Foodie a bait and switch channel that ultimately would have sold Foodie and Salad as legit.
From what I noticed....
Foodie's deal becomes questionable within the 1st 5minis and stars to fall apart after 20. She's sounding like she's hitting plot points and giving no real show of anything she's claiming what so ever. She's also doing the "laugh, eye roll and lie" routine thru the vid.
Alaa couldn't have know to find Gorl World, make that vid or present what he did without being shown, told about back story and coached. He also didn't say anything that was outside of what Gorl World was talking about and/or complaining about in regard to Foodie.
You'll see what I'm talking about because I put the Foodie rager together with the Alaa tell all.

Also, keep an eye out for the "ghost" around the closing credits. (Note: It's part of what Foodie was using for "proof and validity" of her claims.)

Links in regard to Middle Eastern racism:





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