Raw Truth : Unadulterated Milk

1 year ago

"How can we deal straight with local farmers to mutual advantage? A highly knowledgeable, enthusiastic and determined Wiltshire dairy and organic beef farmer shares his remarkable insights into animal welfare, human health and food quality."

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OhXYW12aha2Q/

Channel Comment: Many have known it for a long time, including How to trade it Legally, and of course free trade is The Law; so y'all just need to work out the Legal part, right. Same with meat.

-Know the facts about Milk, studies done and hidden, and how they Took Health away; for Profit/Monopoly.
.pdf with reference links: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/On-raw-Milk:c
Video: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/The-Raw-Milk-Secret-Price-Pottenger-Presents--Mark-McAfee:5

-Unincorporate the BC NAME. (Leave CitizenSHIP, be 'Australian National')

-Form your local P.M.A. for trading freely in the non-Corporate; The Australian Commonwealth. Form non-Corporate Community Group or council.
Listen for the "Moo-Moo" lol : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ReoZqr0rbo

*UPDATED* Catch up on what too many people don't seem able to identify, our Living world:
The Truth: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0CZoVmFTfCMy/
More Truth: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8djveMYxFtYC/
Another way: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bS7shaJWXg0H/
SC(Australia) Ruling: https://jade.io/article/825524
Common Law: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/TheAnnotatedConstitution-1900imp-RedCover:0
ANZAC Common Law eg: https://constitutionwatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Romani-v-State-of-New-South-Wales-NSW-Caselaw.pdf
Hague IV 'treaty': https://info.dfat.gov.au/Info/Treaties/Treaties.nsf/AllDocIDs/87956593F7B0A195CA256C950018C10E
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269
Bill Of Rights: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/billrights:7
Declaration (UN) re. Teaching of History: https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1939/3.html

Australian Imperial Crown on YT: https://www.youtube.com/@locustsandhoney486/featured
White Papers: https://www.youtube.com/@auseducation376
Australian Imperial Crown: https://australianimperialcrown.com/
TheBallIsWild on GAB: https://gab.com/TheBallIsWild

Patriot Stickers https://www.morleysignworks.com.au/commonwealth-collection
Aus Patriot Shirts https://shop.stevenspiers.com/products/advance-australia-childrens-classic
Australian Federal Red Ensign: https://customflagsaustralia.com.au/product-category/1901-federal-land-flag/

One People One Destiny
LEST We Forget <3

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