Haram of Convenience: Camping Special "Foodie Beauty Takes A Crap In The Desert Too"

1 year ago

Welcome to the Foodie Beauty Camping Special!
This is covering both the now deleted "drive over to go camping" vid and "the camping vid".

We open with Foodie doing a mini live stream to hype up the camping vid and boy does that go to hell. We quickly establish she was told little of the desert by Salad and that she looked nothing up about it pretty soon into this mess. Aside from trying to look cute (to go desert camping...) and somehow flexing that Foodie gets falafel and juice, Salad totally rejects her about 9+ mins in. She doesn't even realize it at first!
We see her go from happy to a record fast falafel pounding and trying to deflect her anger and blatant disappointment badly!

After that we're at the campground and Foodie does a 1/2 walk around before staying in the AC "Haram Camping Box" that was at the site till around sunset. Then it's a quick 1st dinner while Foodie wasted time taking worthless footage, endearing herself to the cats and all before a second bigger dinner later on!
They even try to fake a "Bedouin family illusion" in a tent for the viewing audience. Talk abut a worthless failure that isn't just focused on Salad himself!

It looks like the point of this vid was to try to romantify the appearance of this camping trip while trying to sell the idea of "He's my soulmate/twin flame" to an audience. It does just the opposite!!!

Finally, this closes with "Alaa's ransom for info intro vid". Why?
This is part one of two vids. This vid is the "cut up and tare down" riffing that Haram of Convenience runs on.
The second vid is taking a somewhat harshly scathing look into the aftermath of camping with Foodie and Alaa.

Main idea for this entire drawn out drama piss party inclusive off all parts... It's been made watchable!

Note: I had to cut down the original version of this vid and reedit this due to YT apparent claims of copyright on a movie (David Lynch's Dune) from 1984! Any time I tried to upload YT used a different segment to get bitchy about.
I'm aware they did this to cover selling a shittier remake of the same movie coming out more recently. If the movie was made in 1984 and it's 2024 that means the movie is in public domain by now!!! If I didn't use the recent film then I shouldn't have to worry about it nor should I have to wait a month for disputing the claims.
(Sort of the same way that YT shouldn't be allowed to charge on the "buy or rent" for watching movies in public domain.)

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