Creating My New Tackle System

11 months ago

I am creating a tackle box out of an old lunch box. After I spent hours looking for the one I was using, it slid under my truck’s driver’s seat. Looking for the tackle box cost me a day of ice fishing. The solution make one that cannot get lost.
Music: YouTube Audio Library
2024 Theme song = Triumph On The Prairies by Trevor Garrod.
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Della & The Dandelion

By J.P. Stefanuk. Illustrations By Dennis Proulx.

This book contains five bonus coloring pages.

About this story: Della, the sheep, loved dandelions but did not eat them, even if dandelions are tasty to sheep. Della thought dandelions were the prettiest flowers in the world. One dandelion was all that ever grew in Della’s pasture because the west wind blew every year when the dandelion was ready to release its seeds. Every year, the west wind blew all the seeds into the neighbor’s pasture, where Della could not go. Then Della devised a plan to stop the west wind from blowing the seeds of her one dandelion to the neighbor’s pasture. This is the story of how Della outsmarted the West Wind.

How to order:

The USA.


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