Haram of Convenience: S01 B-Side E02 Urine City

1 year ago

This one was damn low of Foodie on a few levels. It's why I took the day to do this B-Side.

More or less Foodie, as a Muslim decides to go haram for money (sell out) and uses the Holiday season (particularly Xmas) to try to get said money.
After that, she decided to go and sell some questionable dietary supplements and did nothing but try to ignorantly sell it.
On top of this, she was looking to use this to get reverse the betus.

In essence we see her crap on the miracle of xmas while trying to sell miracle cure potion that really doesn't add up in my head to be "all there for what it's cracked up to be".

Either way, I have some fun and it's been made watchable!

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