Playful whale calf gives kayakers a big push

1 year ago

THESE Kayakers from Byron Bay, New South Wales, had a close counter with a pod of whales, and were treated to a big push from a calf. Drone footage from Isabella Dobozy captured the moment the whale calf whipped its tail, sending a powerful current of water that pushed the kayak off course. “The whales swam past the kayakers, but came back to have another look when the calf swam up to the kayak,” said Dobozy. “It’s incredible to see how big the whale calf is, compared to the kayak,”
Playful, Whale Calf, Kayakers, Push
Wildlife Encounter, Whale Watching, Ocean Adventure, Playful Animals, Kayaking, Marine Wildlife,Nature Interaction,Kayaking Adventure, Whale Behavior, Ocean Experience, Animal Encounters, Outdoor Adventure, Wildlife Observation

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