San Francisco: Baptist Church Becomes Target in the Culture Wars
NBS | Morning Breeze

San Francisco: Baptist Church Becomes Target in the Culture Wars

1 year ago

When Sodomites Attack
Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot in San Francisco on the date of September 19, 1993 in which an angry group of sodomites vandalized church property, assaulted church members, terrorized church congregants, screamed profanity, threw rocks, harassed and scared children, and disrupted a church service. During the riot the rioters pounded on the church doors and attempted to kick them down. When the rioters saw church children standing in the lobby, they shouted "We want your children. Give us your children."
During the riot an eight year old mentally handicapped girl was verbally accosted when exiting through the front entrance of the church and was so traumatized that she fell down the church steps. In addition, a nine-year-old boy, was hysterically crying and said "They are after me. It's me they want." The nine-year-old boy did not calm down until the family was several miles from the building.
The sodomite protesters denied people entrance to the church and in some cases did it by force.

When parishioners at Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco gathered for Sunday evening worship on September 19, they knew it might not be a typical service. But it turned out to be far more eventful than anticipated.
Lou Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition based in Anaheim, California, was the featured speaker. Sheldon has vigorously opposed pro-homosexual legislation in the state, including playing a key role in overturning a 1989 domestic partners ordinance in San Francisco. Though the church did not publicize Sheldon’s visit, two pro-homosexual newspapers did, calling for a protest. Throughout the week before the service, says Hamilton Square pastor David Innes, the church received phone calls from people threatening to disrupt it.
And disrupt it they did, according to Innes and several eyewitnesses. Innes detailed his account of the evening’s events in a two-page news release sent to enlist support from “fellow soldiers in Christ” around the country.
Innes says between 75 and 100 “rioters assumed complete control of the exterior property and grounds of the church.” He claims protesters denied people entrance to the church, in some cases by physical contact. According to Innes, one woman was carried away from the entrance while police stood by watching as both her hands were scratched, breaking the skin.
Rioters, Innes says, vandalized church property, replaced the church’s Christian flag with a homosexual flag, harassed and scared children, pounded on doors during the service, and hurled eggs and rocks at churchgoers. Sheldon was “pelted” by “debris” as he received a police escort to a church van.

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