Prevent Interest From Wrecking Your Finances!! | The Financial Mirror

1 year ago

80% of Americans are in debt.. Yes, that’s A LOT!! 39% of Americans don’t even know what the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) of their Credit Card actually is. This is leading me to say that APR is something that is almost becoming a buzzword or just a term that is thrown around. Stop and think with me for just a second, could APR be something that is keeping me from being where I want to be financially? We’ll, if you thought that, you are onto something. This week, I dive into giving you a simple to understand explanation of what exactly APR is, the different types of APR that are most common to consumers, and a simple 5 step calculation to see just how bad APR is affecting you. Once you have completed this calculation, you will see how much money you are wasting that could be positive cash flow for your monthly budget. Let today be the day you stop letting APR wreck your finances as you continue your journey to live a financially stress-free life!!

If you are in need of a Financial Coach, don’t waste another day of being in debt, not planning for retirement, or simply wondering where your money went each month. Today is the day to take control of your finances and I can help, no issue is too big or too small. Contact me at

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