Barely Saving.. to 100% Return Stock Trader | The Financial Mirror

1 year ago

Today’s episode is the first live interview here at The Financial Mirror. In this video, we sit down with Kyle, an author, an IT professional, and, more importantly, an average everyday guy who started out with no thought or control of his finances. He's gone through many phases: from humble beginnings, living across the globe, getting burned in the market, and treading water in the financial status quo. Fast-forward one year, he turned a 100% Year-to-Date return on his Stock Portfolio. Tune in to see this relatable interview and take away the encouragement of being financially sound with the proper mindset. This is a great one you don’t want to miss.

As mentioned in the video, check out the following links for more info on Kyle, The Author:
Twitter: Outpost Dire (@outpostdire)

If you are in need of a Financial Coach, don’t waste another day of being in debt, not planning for retirement, or simply wondering where your money went each month. Today is the day to take control of your finances and I can help, no issue is too big or too small. Contact me at

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