On The Fringe - 12.24.23 - We Are Destroying Them Drip By Drip - Edited Down - No Ads!

11 months ago

I like Dan from On The Fringe a lot. I’m a fan. What I offer here is the latest episode without ads and edited down to only the most important info - IMHO. Enjoy! ;-)

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On The Fringe - 12.24.23 - We Are Destroying Them Drip By Drip - Edited Down - No Ads!
This episode description:
We are traversing a unique time in history. We need to watch where we step, but ultimately, we are taking back ground that once belong to them. Hold tight, and shoulder to shoulder we will bring this group down.
On The Fringe Channel: https://rumble.com/c/OnTheFringe

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