Assistant U.S. Attorney Jack Smith will head up the DOJ Public INTEGRITY Section - 1 of 3

1 year ago

WTF ???


Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch named veteran federal prosecutor Jack Smith to head the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section, which prosecutes cases involving members of Congress, state legislatures and the judiciary.

The Justice Department announced that veteran assistant U.S. Attorney Jack Smith will head up the department's Public Integrity section.

I think Loretta Lynch was a White Hat plant. I think Jack Smith is a white hat plant. I think John J Durham is a white hat plant. And while Barr used THE JOHN DURHAM to make a ton of progress in regards to exposure & disclosure…..I think his primary purpose was to serve as bait to distract MSM & Deep State players.

Basically, I’m coming to the realization that the EDNY - using VULCAN Task Force, Public Integrity Unit & ICE— is who/what/where all of the corruption investigations have been “ongoing” for YEARS.

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