TvNI = Truth vs. NEW$ INC. Part 3 of 3. More war horrors - and Sandy Hook! Dec 18.

1 year ago

Truth vs. NEW$ INC. Part 3 of 3 for Dec. 18,
Today's woke US military, by the way, is only a shadow of its former self and could not sustain ground combat.
Anticipate missiles and drones as the primary instruments of the looming regional war (until it spins out of control).
Even a CNN anchor admits the U.S. border is out of control, where Trump prevails over Biden by wide margins in the latest polls.
30 min. See who is on Epstein's partial passenger list to his pedo island...!!!
And, starting at 32 minutes in: Sandy Hook...evidence graphics...
Alex Jones has been dealing with Sandy Hook families to work out a deal that would leave him solvent, all because of truthful statements he made in the past about Sandy Hook having been a drill and not a real mass shooting.

Don't miss Scott's new banned interview on Alex Jones. 48 min.

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