Farming Simulator 17 - First Impressions - Black Mountain V2

7 years ago


Welcome to Montana, the Big Sky Country. This map uses real world terrain from the Big Flat area near Missoula Montana. Most of the map is mountainous forest with some flat farm land in the Northeast. This is a forestry map with limited farming. The cows, sheep, pigs and chickens are on the map and there are enough arable fields for a single player to make a living at farming.

Version 2.0 Changelog:
-Snow mask and custom weather added for Seasons Mod compatibility.
-Chopped straw added.
-Mud and terrain control added.
-BGA plant added.
-Roads changed to US highway colored lines.
-Open space created around sheep farm and pig's enclosure for placeables.
-Some objects and buildings changed.

The Seasons Mod recommends starting a new career. The addition of the BGA plant required the partial removal of field 3. That will change the crop growth (fruit_density) for that area. For those reasons it will be best to start a new career on this version of the map. If you wish to continue with your old career on this new version, rename the map to "BlackMountain" and place it in the FS17 mods folder.

Map Features:
Dairy cow's pasture, pig's enclosure and chicken coop near player farm.
Sheep's pasture to the Northwest in Sherman Gulch.
Eight arable fields ranging in size from 1.8 to 5.6 hectares with a total of 33 ha.

Sell points:
-Hay, grass and straw in the red barn at the player farm (Barn on PDA).
-Manure and liquid manure at Mary's Farm to the North.
-Logs and wood chips at Stanton Sawmill in the center of the map.
-Wood chips and silage at the Biomass Plant in the town to the Northeast.
-Three sell points for grain and root crops:
1. Wright Agribusiness to the Northwest.
2. Goldcrest Pacific Grain to the Northeast across the river.
3. Denton Bakery in the town to the Northeast.
-Eggs are sold at Denton Bakery and the diner to the Northeast.
-Livestock is bought and sold at the Livestock Market to the Northeast across the river.
-Wool is sold at the Spinnery near the Livestock Market and Goldcrest Pacific.
-Biogas Plant located in the North center of the map buys silage and manure.

Water can be pumped from the Clark Fork River to the Northeast. There are also fountains at the player farm (by the red barn) and
near the sheep's pasture by the mining shed.

There are gold nuggets scattered around the mountains. The abandoned gold mine to the Northwest is a good place to start looking for them.

Fertilizer and seed triggers are on the main farm.

There is a gas pump at the main farm and a gas station in the town to the Northeast. You can also refuel by the barrels and gas cans at the logging camps on Horseback Ridge and Middle Ridge.

The best timber on the map is near the logging camps to the Southeast and Southwest. The logging roads in the mountains are challenging. Plan out you haul routes carefully. The steeper trails down the ridges are for skidding logs. Since they are not used often they will frequently have dead trees across them. Those trees can be removed with a chainsaw.

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Title graphic and watermark provided by Eustace Pharmer
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