Hazrat Saeed who was promised paradiseحضرت سعید جن سے جنت کا وعدہ کیا گیا تھا۔

1 year ago

Saeed Ibn Zayd (RA)

Saeed ibn Zayd (RA) was one of the earliest Muslims to convert. He was only twenty at the time. He was a ‘Hanif’ even before converting to Islam. Hanif means people who were not practicing paganism at the time.

Saeed Ibn Zayd (RA) was a valiant fighter. He was a ‘Mustajab ud-Daawah,’ which meant that if he prayed and made Dua, Allah Almighty would undoubtedly accept it.

Saeed ibn Zayd (RA) was the son of Zayd ibn Amr, who worshipped the Unique God even before the coming of the Prophet (PBUH). Zayd ibn Amr was also a fair and charitable man. Saeed grew up with his teachings and immediately recognised the truth in the Prophet's s message.

He was known for his courage and heroism, a glimpse of which we can get from his account of the Battle of Yarmuk. He said: "For the Battle of Yarmuk, we were twenty four thousand or thereabout. Against us, the Byzantines mobilized one hundred and twenty thousand men.

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