Hazrat Usman (RA) حضرت عثمان رضی اللہ عنہ جن سے جنت کا وعدہ کیا گیا تھا۔

1 year ago

Uthman bin Affan (RA)

Dhu-Nurain was the name given to Uthman (R) (possessor of two lights). The reason behind this title is how he married Ruqiyyahh and Umm Kalthum, the two daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

He was Islam’s third caliph. He was one of the six Companions with whom the Prophet (PBUH) was never dissatisfied. Uthman (RA) sacrificed the most in several jihads. He restored and expanded Masjid Al-Nawabi.

Uthman is related to Muhammad through his mother, who was the first cousin of Muhammad and made Uthman his first cousin's son

Uthman ibn Affan ibn Abi al-As was the third Rashidun caliph, ruling from 644 until his assassination in 656. Uthman, a second cousin, son-in-law, and notable companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, played a major role in early Islamic history. Wikipedia
Born: Taif, Saudi Arabia
Spouse: Na'ila bint al-Furafisa (m. 641 AD–656 AD), MORE
Children: Abdullah ibn Uthman ibn Affan, Aban ibn Uthman, MORE
Buried: 656 AD, Al Baqi Cemetery, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Parents: Affan ibn Abi al-As, Arwa bint Kurayz
Assassinated: June 17, 656 AD, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Full name: Uthman ibn Affan

Allah Hafiz

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