Transform Your Mindset and Lose Weight Effortlessly!

1 year ago

So I'm going to share with you exactly what I did to lose weight in the past two months with not changing anything except for the way that I've been thinking So the first thing I started doing was correcting my negative thoughts about myself You know when you're undressing or changing and you look in the mirror and your first thought that comes to your mind is oh I'm so fat or I need to lose weight or I need to do this or I hate the way my XYZ looks OK as soon as you have that thought come into your mind you have to first bring awareness to it because if you don't have awareness to your own thoughts you can't change them That's just the bottom line So when a thought like that creeps up and you'll notice that as you start to bring your awareness to it it happens pretty often You have to immediately correct that thought and change it to how you would want to

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