Dad Left ICU with Trache, no ICU Nurses,&Got Readmitted. Can He Go Home with Intensive Care at Home?

1 year ago

Dad Left ICU with Trache, no ICU Nurses,&Got Readmitted. Can He Go Home with Intensive Care at Home?

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from, where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term, ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies. And where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality care for long-term, ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and medically complex patients at home including Home BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), Home CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), Home TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition), Home IV potassium infusion and the electrolyte infusions, IV antibiotics. We also provide services to clients at home that are not ventilated but have a tracheostomy and who need 24-hour intensive care nurses at home.

We’re also providing an emergency department, bypass service for the Western Sydney local area health district. So if you need CCRNs to provide an emergency department bypass service for your hospital, please reach out to us.

So in today’s video, I want to answer a question from one of our members. We also actually have a membership for families in intensive care and you can get access to the membership for families in intensive care at by clicking on the membership link or by going to directly.

So today, I have a question from one of our members who had their dad in ICU for prolonged periods and then went home more or less out of sheer desperation because they did no longer want to stay in hospital because they just thought it was terrible. And they were, for lack of a better term, desperate to go home, which is what they decided to do. But they decided to go home without 24-hour intensive care nurses even though their dad had a tracheostomy. So, he bounced back into hospital, which is no surprise to me. Let me read out the email from our member who says,

“Hi Patrik and Team,

Earlier this year, as you know, my dad suffered a heart attack. He got discharged from the hospital in the beginning of September with a tracheostomy and wasn’t quite ready for rehabilitation therapy. So they recommended, for him to stay in hospital. My mom and I visited obviously daily, but it wasn’t a good experience. So he went home with minimal support and minimal nursing. Just a nurse once a week who wasn’t tracheostomy competent, but he was discharged too soon without little support.

Needless to say that my dad bounced back and forth into the hospital just like you predicted. And back home two times before he came back home mid-October. Until last week, the end of November to go back into hospital. Again he’s had all sorts of setbacks and he’s now in the hospital with a pressure wound area around stage 4 to 5 that originated in the hospital bed he was at in the emergency department, the second time he went back into the hospital.

The MRI showed that the pressure sore is to his bone. He’s in ICU at this time, but I have set up his patient portal, I would like you to look at the medical records. I’m reaching out to see if Intensive Care at Home services can still help.

And they’re talking about possible surgery to clean his wounds out and all the risks that are involved due to his fragile condition. What do you think is the best option here?”

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