No guile in Christ; no guile in His saints

1 year ago

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The video was produced in the outskirts of Cebu City, the Philippines on Sabbath, December 16, 2023.

In this present world that we live in, true biblical followers of Christ are to abide in uprightness, truth and integrity. We must be honourable and honest in everything. We are to take a stand for what is morally right. In other words, we are to do the right thing at all times.

What is morally right is provided in the holy written word of God: the Bible, which testifies of the Holy One in heaven: Yeshua, Immanuel, Jesus Christ, Who is the Messiah and the Son of the Most High God the Father.

There should be no guile or deceit in us who claim to be followers of Christ, sincere and upright biblical followers of Christ. In everything that we do, we must be honest, upright, be morally astute and be vigilant to stand up for what is biblical truth.

In these end times, there should be no guile found in the mouths of Christ’s saints who were redeemed from among men, who left these women or false SUNday keeping churches whose preachers preach smooth nonsense. They are holy and pure before God as spiritual virgins.

They follow Christ, the Good Shepherd whithersoever He goeth. When you follow and obey the Lamb, there’s no guile found in your mouth because you imitate Christ Who is truth and Who speaks truth. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away says Christ in Matthew 24:35.

Christ did no sin; He did not break any of His holy ten commandments, neither was guile found in his must we as followers of Christ! We are to be holy and pure before God: without sin and without guile in our mouths. Only biblical truth should come out of our mouths. And that biblical truth is found in:

God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the word of God and the holy ten commandments of God (Psalm 119:142, 151).

As our great God and our Savior Jesus Christ is without sin and without guile, again, so must we. Now is the time like never before to get right with is the time to be without sin and to speak hard biblical truth being moved by the Holy Spirit of Truth.

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