Tucker visit to Julian Assange, and talks. Political prisoner, no charges.

1 year ago

Julian Assange, being held by the Deep State, same as J6er's. "They" jail decent opinions, people that expose the truth, and "they" might try to kill and have killed in the process of keeping their secrets. Tucker doesn't say "Seth Rich" as the informant to Assange, but said enough. Seth was a Bernie supporter, that found the corruption within the DNC, and exposed it with a thumb drive (no Russia involvement, notice how Russia is blamed for everything). Lot in this video. Think of what lengths they will go to, in keeping Truth from being exposed. Even Mike Pompeo's involvement, in attempts of the CIA to murder Assange. How many has the CIA been ordered to "take out"?
Notice the "X" post by Gen Flynn, ".@mikepompeo any comment?"
How many on social media have been attacking Gen Flynn lately? Question ??? Is the 3 letter agencies behind these attacks, in order to break unity and Patriotism? Lot of "Psywar" warfare going on. Patriots must use their critical thinking to determine truth, fiction, psyops, attacks. Many in the truth movement, are being used as bait in an attempt to fracture truth, Patriotism. Lot of deception going on, do not be deceived by evil. Evil is exposing evil.

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