Adam Lanza Mass Murderer Media Manipulation - Lenon Honor - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Dec 14, 2012

"My video series "How to Decode Media Manipulation 101":

Lenon Honor has produced 8 major documentaries to date. Some of his most popular films include "The Workings of Evil", "What Lies in Plain Sight", "The Borg Agenda", "Media Mind Control and the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico", and "The Early Works of Walt Disney: The Foundations of a Pedophilic Institution." Film topics range from spirituality, religion, media mind control, subliminal manipulation, transhumanism, the occult, politics, the entertainment industry, amongst other salient topics. All of his films are available for viewing at

Lenon Honor is a writer, musician, video producer, talk show host, and counselor. His website has provided a wealth of information and inspiration in regards to manhood, fatherhood, marriage, children, family, and personal growth.

Lenon Honor is the writer of two published books. The first, "Writings for the Fathers of the World of Tomorrow" was written to inspire current and future parents and to encourage healthy relationships between fathers and sons. The second book, "Deep in the Garden of Consciousness" delves deep into metaphysics, spirituality, and consciousness.

Lenon Honor has produced two empowering lecture series. The first series is for women and is titled "What is an Honorable Man, How to Attract One, and Knowing that you are Worthy". The second series is for men and is titled "Raising up Masculinity, Honoring the Penis, and Embracing Manhood as a Sacred Institution". Both lectures delve deep into issues related to male-female relationships, attraction, self-esteem, self-worth, and personal growth.

Lenon Honor offers personal consultations in the areas of marriage, male-female relationships, family, fatherhood, motherhood, children, creativity, and spiritual growth.

As a musician Lenon Honor has produced 5 albums of music and has performed in the U.S. and abroad. His most recent music album titled "In the Land of the Ancient Ones" was released in June of 2011.

Currently Lenon Honor is working on several projects including his video series "The Truth About Subliminal Messages: How to Protect Your Subconscious Mind".

Tags: Adam Larza, Conspiracy Theory, Illuminati, Freemason, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Subliminal Messages, Lenon Honor, Media Manipulation, Propaganda, Social Engineering, Columbine school shooting, gun control, Max Igan, Michael Tsarion, Jeff Rense, School Shooting, Gun law, Truth Movement, lenonhonorfilms, alternative news, russia today, Edward Bernays, mind control, new world order, nwo, borg agenda, industry exposed, constitution, right to bare arms"

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