you just lost your freedom of movement

1 year ago

they, THE STATE DEPT,now telling YOU can not to go to Rocky point or Puerto Penasco in Mexico. because of a mashed potato who happens to be considered the president of the United States (but he's not mine) has decided to underfund under man the border along the state line of Arizona. instead they are doing diaper duty and feeding babies. The national line between the United States and Mexico, that we have all these people flooding through. I don't really give a s*** that it's a humanitarian crisis at the border in lukeville. have you not seen skid row in San Francisco lately!??! I think we have it here in our own backyard! in fact I know we do. you brought that upon yourself & THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!! JOE BIDEN AND HIS SHIT FOR BRAINS ADMINISTRATION DID THIS TO US!! So why leave your country and come to mind if f*** it all up? why don't you just stay where you are at and fix your own f****** b******* you created it not me! it ain't my problem it's yours take it somewhere else! America is closed!!

GTFO!! no they're coming in from all the bad countries and sending us their garbage they are sending us their shot from shit countries! I don't want your shit!!;we're number one for a reason! send me your number ones and watch what we make out of them! We'll make them the best you probably ever seen! welcome to the United States they f'g us you want to join in on that boat ride? they entered illegally now they think everything can be legal! that any and every one of our laws can be broken. well guess what? you forgot we got our second amendment right still and we will forever have it cuz I will shoot you in the head so quick you ever try to come up in mine!!

I am 34 mi from the border and I see this every day I cross my counter at work and walking down the street in my neighborhood and I am tired of it. I'm tired of seeing 20-somethings homeless on the street all strung out on drugs.

invest in rope and work on your knots we're going to have a lot of hanging to do when the revolution begins

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