Victory over Persecution India Service 122323

1 year ago

Pastor Greg shares encouragement to overcome persecution. By the word of your testimony and the blood of the lamb.
Dear Pastor Greg Young
Thank and Praise God that we had a blessed Pastors Meeting on 23/12/2023, in this meeting 91 Pastors came and 10 pastors could not come because there were not well, there we helped them later, all pastors were so blessed and encouraged with the preaching of Pastor Greg Young, some of the Pastors were healed, one pastor had a so much pain in right whip, God touched and healed him, two pastors were having so much eye problem means eyesight was dim, God touched them and healed them, two ladies Pastors were having so much stomach pain, God healed them, many pastors were having no money at all in their home they were discouraged because x- Mas there and families were struggling, they received the support and so much thankful to you and all who donated with tears. After meeting we provided them a good meals to all pastors, We are so grateful to you Pastor Greg Young G for support all the pastor spiritually and financially. We all have been praying for you, family and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry
If anyone wants to support the ministry of India that we are doing under the spiritual leadership of Pastor Greg Young you can directly contact him.
God bless you all

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